Thursday, January 19, 2012

Weight Loss

This is my first blog, and hopefully my first time being real honest about my lifelong weight roller coaster. These pictures didn't upload exactly how I wanted but I optimistic my point will come across. I want to use this blog as a means to keep myself accountable. I will probably post a pin to pinterest and tweet about it and no one will ever read or follow it, but in my mind there are people paying attention. Those people, in my head, are either betting on my failure or cheering me on. The wonderful news is I don't care about negative energy or positive energy as long as i feel like someone is watching. A girl I met recently did something very odd, she ripped a piece of my half eaten hamburger off (it was just sitting around) and ate it, and when I saw her, she hid it from me. A nice girl, something at the time i saw as odd, but i get hungry too. That was, i see now, a metaphor for something we all do: act differently when people are watching. For some that means picking boogers or wedgies when they think no one is watching, for me it means slacking off when it comes to my long term health goals.

Sadly, when coming clean, pictures are necessary. The bottom picture is of me in July 2008, a few weeks before my sisters wedding. A friend at that time had been trying a diet ( and I decided to give it a try. I feel before that moment I was basically oblivious to my size. I think I had convinced myself I was 'big-boned' or something. Well, the scale assured me I was 250 pounds. I didn't much care at the time but I thought the diet didn't sound too bad so I gave it a shot. No crazy supplements or exercise regimen, just eating more simply and repetitively. It worked for me. At age 19 I started July 21 of 2008, and by Halloween of that year I was right around 205 pounds. I became very uncomfortable with the physical attention I had been getting from the male gender, so much so that my goals did not matter. I quit dieting, I maintained, I wore my old clothes, didn't wear make up, didn't go out. Then I adjusted. I lost a bit more weight, then I started going out, then I started drinking beer, and over the next two years I hovered between 195 and 205.

The story takes a turn for the worst here. Some fool got me on the HCG train. THIS IS THE WORST IDEA EVER. After my 'gorge' days (no healthy programs should include this type of thing anyway) I weighed 210. After 40 days of using the drops I had lost 30 pounds and my health was suffering. On two occasions I actually passed out in the shower. Have I mentioned HCG is BAD and you should not do it? The second picture is a 'before and during' picture I put together, on the left I weighed 250 (age 18) and on the right I weighed 180 (age 22) Anyway, I started HCG the first week of 2011, was at 180 (YAY, I know, right?!) by valentines day, and long story short had it all gained back and then some by September 2011. Now I must disclose that during that time I made the personal choice to quit my job in St. Louis and move to Wichita. (Yes, for a man, but he is wonderful)

Since moving to Wichita my life has included more eating out, and drinking beer, and for a while I was just being absolutely silly about what I was putting in my body. We joined the most expensive gym in town, but it doesn't work if you do not go! We also travel a whole lot... EXCUSES. As of today I weigh 216.6 pounds. A few pounds less than my recent high of about 223. That number disappoints me so much. I remember at two separate times in my life I promised myself I WOULD NOT see a weight that started with a 2 again. Well it happened, twice. Luckily in my old age (still 22) I have realized the only path for me to lifelong health are lifelong lifestyle changes. And being honest with myself. I am always going to love food, and I am always going to love wine, beer, and Jameson. I hope any readers of this blog form their own opinion about my personal choices then judge me silently.

The very top picture is of me today, before I tried my first ever p90x workout. I didn't purchase the program (although I have purchased similar things before) but I thought I should give it a try. My tiny sister has done it with great results before, she is a beachbody coach if you are looking for one. Anyway, back to the top picture 216.6! That does not work for me. My ultimate goal is 150lbs. I am 5' 10" and I would love more than anything else to be able to say 'I've lost 100 pounds'.

I don't claim to be a great writer, my sister tells me quite often that my grammar is atrocious. This blog is for me. And it is public so I can pretend those readers are out there. My only request to any actual readers is to contact me with any questions, comments, encouragement, etc. I don't promise to post frequently, but I promise to keep anyone interested up to date with my weight, photos and what kind of activity I am doing today to burn some calories!

I need to make dinner now, kthanksbye!


  1. You do have a reader! :) I'm in the "cheering you on" camp! I'm also trying to focus on my health. Best of luck to both of us!

  2. Good for you!!!! I will try to be as accountable about what goes in my mouth as you. Just know you are not alone in your journey :-)

  3. Good Luck and I hope everything goes good with you and remember to stick with eating healthy and working out and it will come off. Don't give up. :)

  4. I will also be cheering you on!!! I am also on the road to healthy living for myself first and my husband and children.

  5. Cheering you on!! We all struggle, just have to keep at it! :)

  6. I am cheering for you! I'm getting started myself. Let's do this! ;)

  7. I am also a reader now. Your pin caught my attenion as I too am also on the same path. You are so brave and I will be cheering for you. I just posted a similar post and agree with the whole accountability. Good luck and I look forward to reading updates. :)

  8. you go girl! I hope you well on your journey. think about joining there are a lot of supportive people in the same situation and plus you still have time to enter the challenge and possibly win some $!

  9. Saw you on pinterest and wanted to let you know I'll cheer you on! I have the same struggle myself - wish you the best! :)

  10. Cheering you can do this. Do it now! I am 60 in two months and your weight. Because of you I am commuting to not spend my 60's in the 200's....

  11. Kesha, I just wanted you to know I've always had the same struggle myself. Your before and after pictures are exactly what made me decide I need to get my life and weight back on track! Thanks for the inspiration! You have done something that not many are comfortable sharing, much like myself. Thanks for the starting point and the kick in the butt! You truly are an amazing role model and inspiration! You go girl :)

  12. Read your blog from Pinterest. Way to go Kesha!! You have a cheerleader from Texas and have inspired me to start achieving my goal.

  13. I found you on Pinterest. I felt like I was reading my life. Thank you for the encouragement, as I have been continuing a healthy lifestyle to loose weight. I've also been stuck in the 2's after loosing 40 pounds. We can do this! Good luck!

  14. I am cheering for you and I know you can do it. It's definitely a lifestyle change. I've lost 50 pounds and it wasn't easy. I am working on my last 30 pounds to get to my goal weight. I know I can do it! Be committed and determined! It's your choice and it's all for YOU! Watch the calories/fat intake, eat more fiber, portion control!, and exercise is a must! I encourage you to write in a food journal, this was my success plus doing a ton of cardio! Find what you love and then it will be more fun than a chore! It will be a wild journey so smile, laugh lots, and enjoy life while you are at it! Here's to your dedication to YOU, your health, and your future.

  15. I think you totally rock! It is really brave to start a blog on your journey to better health. Cheers to you! I also am over weight and have tried several yoyo diets. The clean eating diet has really helped me. But it really isint a diet it's more of a lifestyle change. Best of luck to you!!

  16. Good luck to u. What a great feeling to know that we are not alone. I never cease dieting lol especially after giving birth to my two beautiful kids. Losing weight this days is difficult becoz as you grow older, metabolism also going slower. Anyway, i hope i will make a remarkable accomplishment this year - to impress myself n for a better health. Let's do it together.

    Ps-im following u right away. Hope to see u around in my blog. Cheers!

    honeybee from

  17. Just wanted to let you know that I am sending you positive gugu from AZ. Hope you are closer to otaining your goals. Best of Luck!

  18. I definitely will be reading. i'm in the same boat, needing the motivation and accountability. Sounds like we have been on the same path...up and down, p90x, hCg...and both realized that we need to make life changes, not quick fixes.

    I look forward to reading your journey, and hopefully getting encouragement from you too!
